Trans and Nonbinary Resources



AWP Resources related to Trans and Nonbinary Identities and Unlearning Cisnormativity

The Queercus has created this resource page to help AWP members, and anyone else seeing this page, deepen their ongoing commitment to unlearning and dismantling their internalized cisnormativity. This resource page is a direct challenge to the entrenched nature of cisnormativity--or the idea that being cis is normal, natural, desired, and more valuable--within the field of psychology, our organization, and the world at large. We challenge all members within AWP to actively engage in the journey towards being better accomplices to trans and non-binary communities in our struggles for collective liberation from the structures of colonialism and racial capitalism, and their various cultural institutions and social practices.



Information Related to Trans and Nonbinary Identities and Experiences:


Trans Youth/Families:


Trans Elders


Trans Health and Reproductive Justice:


Unlearning Cisnormativity and Transnormativity:


Inclusive Research Practices:


Inclusivity in Clinical Practices:


Inclusivity in Graduate Training Programs: 


Resources for Trans and Gender Diverse Mental Health Professionals and Trainees: 


Political Context:


Special thanks to: Janet MacIsaac, Jae Puckett, Kristin Bertsch, Katie Bogen, Nic Johnson, Elyssa Klann, Sharon Lamb