Distinguished Publication



Eligibility and Nominations:


Books or articles published in the current calendar year may be eligible for a Distinguished Publication Award to be conferred in August of the year following publication. Awards are given to published work that makes significant and substantial contributions to research and theory that advances our understanding of the psychology of women and/or gender, and promotes the goals of the Association for Women in Psychology. Announcement of the award is made at the annual meetings of the American Psychological Association.

Any AWP member can nominate publications for the DPA; self-nominations are welcome. On occasion, the DPA committee also honors feminist psychologists with the Distinguished Career Award.

Deadline: May 15th

Submissions or Questions: Ella Ben Hagai, ebenhagai@fullerton.edu


Distinguished Publication Award Recipients



1. A Handbook on Counseling African American Women: Psychological Symptoms, Treatments, and Case Studies, edited by Kimber Shelton, Michelle king, and Mahlet Endale (2022).
2. Queer Theory and Psychology: Gender, Sexuality, and Transgender Identities, by Ella Ben Hagai and Eileen L. Zurbriggen (2022).

3. Unshaved: Resistance and Revolution in Women's Body Hair Politics, by Breanne Fahs (2022).


1. The Special Issue: Feminist Psychology and Open Science: Challenges and Opportunities, Psychology of Women Quarterly edited by Jaclyn A. Siegel, Rachel M. Calogero, Asia A. Eaton, Tomi-Ann Roberts (2021).
2. Article: Evidence for a comprehensive sexuality education intervention that enhances Chinese adolescents' sexual knowledge and gender awareness and empowers young women. Sex Roles by Zhihong Sa, Li Tian, and Xiying Wang (2021).

3. Article: Rape Appraisals: Class Mobility, Social Geography, and Sexual Morality Tales in Ghana, South Africa, and Rwanda. Journal of Black Psychology by C. Shawn McGuffey (2021).


Ali-Faisal, S. (2020). Islamic antipatriarchal liberation psychology: A framework to decolonize psychology for MuslimsFeminism & Psychology, 30(3), 343-362.  
Campbell, R., FehlerCabral, G., Pierce, S. J., Sharma, D. B., Shaw, J., Horsford, S., & Feeney, H. (2020). Changing the criminal justice system response to sexual assault: An empirical study of a participatory action research project. American Journal of Community Psychology. 0: 1-13. DOI 10.1002/ajcp.12428 
Helson, R. & Mitchell, V. (2020).  Women on the River of Life: A fifty-year study of adult development, University of California Press.  


Joan Chrisler and Maureen McHugh for their co-edited special edition of Women and Therapy: A Feminist Quarterly (2019), 42, 1-2 on Making Space for Every Body: Ending Sizeism in Psychotherapy and Training, published by Taylor and Francis.

Janet Shibley Hyde, Rebecca Bigler, Daphna Joel, Charlotte Chucky Tate & Sari Van Anders for their article: The future of sex and gender in psychology: Five challenges to the gender binary in American Psychologist (2019), 74(2), 171-193.  

Miriam Liss, Kate Richmond & Mindy Erchull for their first edition co-authored text Psychology of Women and Gender, published by W.W. Norton.  


Holland, K., Cortina, L., & and Freyd, J. (2018).  Compelled disclosure of college sexual assault.  American Psychologist, 73(3), 255-268. 

MacQuarrie, C. (2018).  Feminist liberation psychology:  Animating systemic change in abortion access in PEI.  In MacQuarrie, C., Bloomer, F., Pierson, C. & Stettner S., (Eds.), Crossing troubled waters: Abortion access in Ireland, Northern Ireland, and Prince Edward Island, (pp. 79-104). Prince Edward Island: Island Studies Press. 

Yüksel, S., Saner, S., Basterzi, A. D., Oglagu, Z. & and Bülbül, I. (2018). Genocidal sexual assault on women and the role of culture in the rehabilitation process: Experiences from working with Yazidi women in Turkey, Torture 28(3), 124-132.

Piran, Niva. (2017). Journeys of embodiment at the intersection of body and culture: The developmental theory of embodiment. Cambridge: Academic Press. 

Keener, E., and Mehta, C. (Eds.) (2017). The Past, Present, and Future of Masculinity, Femininity, and Gender: Honoring Feminist Scholar Sandra Bem (1944-2014), Sex Roles, 76.


Fahs, Breanne (2016).  Out for blood: Essays on menstruation and resistance. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.

Joseph, Gloria (2016).  The wind is spirit: The life, love, and legacy of Audre Lorde.  Villarosa Media. 

van Anders, S.M. (2015). Beyond sexual orientation: Integrating gender/sex and diverse sexualities via sexual configurations theory.  Archives of Sexual Behavior, 44(5), 1177–1213.

McKenzie-Mohr, S., & Lafrance, M.N. (Eds.) (2014). Women voicing resistance: Discursive and narrative explorations. New York, NY: Routledge.

Braun, Virginia, & Clarke, Victoria (Eds.) (2013). Successful Qualitative Research: A Practical Guide for Beginners.  Sage Publications.

Cosgrove, Lisa, & Wheller, Emily (2013). Industry’s colonization of psychiatry:  Ethical and practical implications of financial conflicts of interest in the DSM-5. Feminism & Psychology, 2013, 23, 93-106.

Chrisler, Joan (Ed.) (2012). Reproductive Justice: A Global Concern. Praeger.

Rutherford, A., Capdevila, R., Urduti, V., & Palmary, I. (Eds.) ( 2011).  Handbook of International Feminisms: Perspectives on psychology, women, culture, and rights. Springer.

Leskinen, E.A., Cortina, L.M., & Kabat. D. (2011). Gender harassment: Broadening our understanding of sex-based harassment at work.  Law and Human Behavior (2011), 35, 25-39.

Catriona Macleod (2010). ‘Adolescence’, pregnancy and abortion: Constructing the threat of degeneration. London and New York: Routledge.

Rebecca Jordan-Young, (2010). Brain Storm: The flaws in the science of sex differences. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Rothblum, E., & Solovay, S. (Eds.) (2009). The fat studies reader. New York: New York University Press.

Lykes, M. B., & Moane, G. (Eds.) (2009). Feminist Liberation Psychology. Special issue of Feminism & Psychology, (19:3).

Orbach, S. (2009). Bodies. New York: Picador.

Shields, S.A. (2008). Intersectionality of Social Identities: A Gender Perspective. Special issue of Sex Roles, 59(5/6).

Eagly, A.H., & Carli, L.L. (2007). Through the labyrinth: The truth about how women become leaders. Boston: Harvard Business School.

Lott, B.E., & Bullock, H.E. (2007). Psychology and economic injustice: Personal, professional, and political intersections. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.

Moradi, B., & Rottenstein, A. (2007). Objectification theory and deaf cultural identity attitudes: Roles in deaf women's eating disorder symptamology. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 54, 178-188.

Rochelle L. Dalla (2006). You can't hustle all your life: An exploratory investigation of the exit process among street level prostitute women. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 30, 276-290.

Gavey, Nicole (2005). Just Sex? The Cultural Scaffolding of Rape. New York: Routledge.

Hyde, J. (2005). The gender similarities hypothesis. American Psychologist, 60, 581-592.

Biernat, Monica, Crosby, Faye J., & Williams, Joan C. (2004). The maternal wall: Research and policy perspectives on discrimination against mothers. Special Issue. Journal of Social Issues, 60 (4).

MacGeorge, Erina L., Graves, Angela R., Feng, Bo, Gillihan, Seth J., & Burleson, Brant R. (2004). The myth of gender cultures: Similarities outweigh differences in men’s and women’s provision of and responses to supportive communication. Sex Roles, 50 (3/4), 143-175.

Brodsky, Anne. (2003). With All Our Strength: The revolutionary association of the women of Afghanistan. New York: Routledge.

Crosby, F.J., Iyer, A., Clayton, S., & Downing, R. A. (2003). Affirmative action: Psychological data and the policy debates. American Psychologist, 58 (2), 93-115.

Nagel, Joane. (2003). Race, ethnicity, and sexuality: Intimate intersections, forbidden frontiers. New York: Oxford.

Shields, Stephanie A. (2002). Speaking from the Heart: Gender and the social meaning of emotion. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Tolman, Deborah L. (2002). Dilemmas of Desire: Teenage girls talk about sexuality. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Campbell, Rebecca. (2001). Emotionally involved: The impact of researching rape. NY: Routledge.

Fisher, Berenice M. (2001). No angel in the classroom: Teaching through feminist discourse. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Fausto-Sterling, Anne. (2000). Sexing the body: Gender politics and the construction of sexuality. NY: Harper Collins.

Jackson, Leslie and Greene, Beverly. (Eds.) (2000). Psychotherapy with African American women: Innovations in psychodynamic perspectives and practice. NY: Guilford.

Peplau, Letita Anne and Garnets, Linda. (Eds.). (2000). Women's sexualities: New perspectives on sexual orientation and gender. Special issue. Journal of Social Issues, 56, 2.

Kilbourne, Jean. (1999). Deadly Persuasion: Why women and girls must fight the power of advertising. NY: Free Press.

Crawford, Mary, and Kimmel, Ellen. (Eds.). (1999). Innovations in feminist research. Special issue. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 23, 1&2.

Silverstein, Louise. and Auerbach, Carl. (1999). Deconstructing the essential father. American Psychologist, 54, 397-407.

Layton, Lynne. (1998). Who’s that girl? Who’s that boy?: Clinical practice meets postmodern gender theory. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson.

Waites, Elizabeth A. (1997). Memory quest: Trauma and the search for personal history. NY: W.W. Norton & Co.

Frieze, Irene and McHugh, Maureen. (Eds.). (1997). Measuring beliefs about appropriate roles for women and men. Special issue. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 21 (1).

Chrisler, Joan, Golden, Carla and Rozee, Patricia D. (Eds.). (1996). Lectures on the psychology of women. NY: McGraw-Hill.

Firestein, Beth A. (1996). Bisexuality: The psychology of an invisible minority. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Freyd, Jennifer. (1996). Betrayal trauma: The logic of forgetting childhood abuse. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Adleman, Jeanne, and Enguidanos, Gloria. (Eds.). (1995). Racism in the lives of women: Testimony, theory, and guides to anti-racist practice. NY: Harrington Park Press.

Kimball, Meredith M. (1995). Feminist visions of gender similarities and differences. NY: Harrington Park Press.

Landrine, Hope. (1995). Cultural diversity, contextualism, and feminist psychology. In H. Landrine (Ed.). Bringing cultural diversity to feminist psychology. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Press.

Weiner, Kayla, and Moon, Arinna. (Eds.). (1995). Jewish women speak out: Expanding the boundaries of psychology. Canopy Press.

Amaro, Hortensia. (1995). Love, sex, and power: Considering women’s realities in HIV prevention. American Psychologist, 50, 437-447.

Brown, Laura. (1994). Subversive dialogues: Theory in feminist therapy. NY: Basic Books.

Comas-Diaz, Lillian & Greene, Beverly. (1994). (Eds.). Women of color: Integrating ethnic and gender identities in psychotherapy. NY: Guilford Press.

Morawski, Jill. (1994). Practicing feminisms, reconstructing psychology: Notes on a liminal science. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.

Segal, Lynne. (1994). Straight sex: The politics of pleasure. London: Virago Press.

Bem, Sandra. L. (1993). The lenses of gender: Transforming the debate on sexual inequality. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Bordo, Susan (1993). Unbearable weight: Feminism, western culture, and the body. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

Campbell, A. (1993). Men, women, and aggression. NY: Basic Books.

Kaschak, Ellen. (1992). Engendering lives: A new psychology of women’s experience. NY: Basic Books.

Reinharz, S. (1992). Feminist methods in social research. NY: Oxford University Press.

Riger, Stephanie. (1992). Epistemological debates, feminist voices: Science, social values, and the study of women. American Psychologist, 47, 730-740.

Butler, Sandra S., and Wintram, Claire. (1991). Feminist groupwork. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Lips, Hilary. (1991). Women, men, and power. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield.

Tiefer, Leonore. (1991). Historical, scientific, clinical and feminist criticisms of : The human sexual response cycle” model. Annual Review of Sex Research, 2, 1-23.

Collins, Patricia Hill. (1990). Black feminist thought: Knowledge, consciousness, and the politics of empowerment. NY: Scott Foresman.

Maccoby, Eleanor. (1990). Gender and relationships: A developmental account. American Psychologist, 45, 513-520.

Rodin, Judith, and Ickovics, Jeannette R. (1990). Women’s health: Review and research agenda as we approach the 21st century. American Psychologist, 45, 1018-1034.

Tallen, Bette. (1990). Twelve-step programs: A lesbian feminist critique. NSWA Journal, 2, 390-407.

Rozee, Patricia, and Van Boemel, Gretchen. (1989). The psychological effects of war trauma and abuse on older Cambodian refugee women. Women and Therapy, 8, 23-50.

Bronstein, Phyllis, and Quina, Kathryn. (1988). Teaching a psychology of people. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Fine, Michelle, and Asch, Adrienne, (Eds.). (1988). Women with disabilities: Essays in psychology, culture, and politics. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.

Kitzinger, Celia. (1988). The social construction of lesbianism. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.

Boston Lesbian Book Collective (1987). Lesbian psychologies: Explorations and challenges. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press.

Belenky, Mary F.; Clinchy, Blythe M.; Goldberger, Nancy R.; and Tarule, Jill M. (1986). Women’s ways of knowing. NY: Basic Books.

Datan, Nancy. (1986). Corpses, lepers, and menstruating women: Tradition, transition, and the sociology of knowledge. Sex Roles, 14, 693-704.

Lott, Bernice. (1987). Sexist discrimination as distancing behavior. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 11, 47-58.

Rothblum, Esther D., and Cole, Ellen. (Eds.). and Brown, Laura S. (Case Author). (1986). A woman’s recovery from the trauma of war. Special issue. Women and Therapy, 5.

Belle, Deborah. Inequality and mental health: Low income and minority women. In Walker, L. (Ed.). (1984). Women and mental health policy. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.

Keller, Evelyn Fox. (1985). Reflections on gender and science. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

Walker, Lenore. (Ed.). (1984). Women and mental health policy. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.

Koss, Mancy. (1985). The hidden rape victim: Personal, attitudinal, and situational characteristics. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 9, 193-212.

O’Leary, Virginia; Unger, Rhoda; and Wallston, Barbara S. (Eds.). (1985). Women, gender, and social psychology. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Vance, Carole S. (Ed.). (1984). Pleasure and danger: Exploring female sexuality. Boston, MA: Routledge and Kegan Paul.

Major, Brenda, McFarlin, Dean, and Gagnon, Diana. (1984). Overworked and underpaid: On the nature of sex differences in personal entitlement. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 47, 1399-1412.

Golub, Sharon. (Ed.). (1984). Menarche: The transition from girl to woman. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.

Laws, Sophie. (1983). The sexual politics of pre-menstrual tension. Women’s Studies International Forum, 6, 19-31.

Unger, Rhoda K. (1983). Through the looking-glass: No wonderland yet. (The reciprocal relationship between methodology and models of reality). Psychology of Women Quarterly, 8, 9-32.

Lott, Bernice. (1981). Becoming a woman. Springfield, IL: C.C. Thomas.

Block, Jeanne. For her work on the Time-Life film, “The pinks and the blues.” (a posthumous award)

Rush, Florence. (1980). The best-kept secret. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

O’Connell, Agnus, & Russo, Nancy Felipe. (Eds.). (1980). Eminent women in psychology: Models of achievement. Special issue. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 5

Riger, Stephanie and Galligan, Pat. (1980). Women in management: An exploration of competing paradigms. American Psychologist, 35, 902-910.

Sherif, Carolyn Wood. (1929). Bias in psychology. In J. Sherman and E. Beck (Eds.). The prism of sex: Essays in the sociology of knowledge. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.

Gilligan, Carol. (1979). Women’s place in a man’s life cycle. Harvard Educational Review, 49, 431-446.

Walker, Lenore. (1979). The battered woman. NY: Harper and Row.

Hare-Mustin, Rachel. (1978). A feminist approach to family therapy. Family Process, 17, 181-194.

O’Leary, Virginia. (1977). Toward understanding women. Monterey, CA: Brooks-Cole.

Tiefer, Leonore. (1978). The context and consequences of contemporary sex research: A feminist analysis.
In W. McGill, D. Dewsbury, and B. Sachs (Eds.), Sex and behavior: Status and prospectus. NY: Plenum Press.

Eagly, Alice. (1978). Sex differences in influenceability. Psychological Bulletin, 85, 89-116.

Frodi, Ann; Macaulay, Jaqueline; and Thome, Pauline (1977). Are women always less aggressive than men? A review of the empirical literature. Psychological Bulletin, 84, 634-660.

Henley, Nancy. (1976). Body politics: Power, sex, and nonverbal communication. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Condry, John, and Dyer, Sharon. (1976). Fear of Success: Attributing Cause to the Victim. Journal of Social Issues, 32, 63-84.

Tangri, Sandra. (1976). A feminist perspective on ethical issues in population programs. Signs, 1, 895-904.

Sandra L. Bem -- Distinguished Publication Award for cumulative research and theoretical publications.

Jo Ann Evansgardner -- Distinguished Publication Award for contributions in editing and publishing.

Judith Long Laws -- Distinguished Publication Award for cumulative research and theoretical publications.

Mary Brown Parlee -- Distinguished Publication Award for cumulative research and theoretical publications.