Gender and Sexual Minority Manuscript Award
Eligibility and Nominations:
Purpose: The Association for Women in Psychology encourages submissions of theoretical and empirical manuscripts that address the psychology gender and sexual minorities, including those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer. Manuscripts focusing on any topic relevant to the psychology of gender and sexual minorities are invited.
Eligibility: Individual and jointly authored manuscripts are eligible. Manuscripts (conference papers, dissertations, journal articles, or other manuscripts) can be unpublished, under review, accepted for publication or published. (Note: If you are submitting a published manuscript for consideration, please provide full citation and note that no manuscripts published PRIOR to May 1, 2016 will be considered). Manuscripts not more than 50 pages are recommended; however, longer manuscripts are also eligible for review. Entire books are not eligible. Members and nonmembers of the Association for Women in Psychology are eligible to apply.
Deadline: August 15, 2017
Evaluation: Submissions must be made by manuscript author(s) to Erin Hipple, by 11:59pm (Central Standard Time) on August 15, 2017. Please include two word documents in your submission, one document containing the manuscript with no identifying information (including only the title, abstract, and manuscript body) and a second document containing contact information (i.e., author name(s) and contact information along with the title, abstract, and manuscript body). A panel of Association for Women in Psychology committee members will review the anonymous manuscripts. Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of sound methodology, clarity of writing, and relevance to the advancement of the psychology of gender and sexual minorities.
Award: The award winner will receive a $250 honorarium and their conference registration fee will be waived in order to present at the 2017 Annual Association for Women in Psychology conference. The award winner will be notified by email and announced at the American Psychology Association convention in August (the winner is not required to attend the APA award ceremony, but is strongly encouraged to present their work at a special awards symposium at the AWP conference). Please email Erin Hipple with any questions you may have at