Fertility And Infertility


We recognize that reproductive freedom includes the right to health care for problems of infertility. We oppose discrimination in a woman's right to this health care on the basis of her income level, sexual orientation, or otherwise. We also note that many individual's decisions about childbearing and infertility treatments are made within a social and cultural context that can be overwhelmingly pro-natal and which can have a disproportionate effect on the decision whether to have a child or to remain child-free.


Insurance Coverage


We agree with the American Fertility Association that access to infertility treatments should not be restricted to those who can afford it out of their own pocket. The AFA outlines how to determine what infertility treatments are insured in each state and has published a handbook about insurance parity for infertility treatments and with guidelines for activism (free registration required).




We agree with the American Society of Reproductive Medicine that denial of fertility treatments for lesbian or gay persons is unethical. Because not all states require insurance coverage for infertility, legal challenges for same-sex couples pursuing infertility treatment can be difficult. The Gay & Lesbian Medical Association (GLMA) provides information and directions for advocates for same-sex couples and reproductive rights as well as a nationwide referrals system for reproductive and other health care practitioners.

INCIID (International Council on Infertility Information Dissemination) describes how women may be illegally discriminated against on the basis of their infertility or pregnancy. INCIID also provides information about advocating for insurance coverage of infertility treatments.

For women without health insurance, Title X of the Public Health Service Act would provide basic infertility screening if it were funded as designed; however, Title X is routinely under funded.


Choosing Child-Free


We recognize that full reproductive rights includes promoting the value of an individual's or a couple's decision to remain child-free. While this decision may be arrived at after coping with an infertility diagnosis or never having sought pregnancy, it is not one that is easily understood by family, friends, and our larger cultural environment. Resolve provides resources for understanding and supporting child-free living for those making the decision and the important others in their lives.


Facts for Advocates


Resolve provides fast facts about infertility for press releases and position and policy statements for public advocacy.

INCIID hosts a site for infertility basics, medications, reproductive technologies, and understanding the many terms and acronyms used by the medical and internet communities.