Diversity and Inclusion

As an interdisciplinary and diverse organization it is important to reflect on what "inclusion" really means and looks like. Please take a moment to read through this "Statement of Intention on Diversity and Inclusion" that was written by the AWP Implementation Collective in June 2015.

"What happens in our organization is a reflection of the larger world. AWP is a living space. Although we strive to create a safe and empowering environment, we are aware that we are not immune to interpersonal, organizational, structural, and cultural forces of oppression. Our feminist methods and responsibility are to address racism, classism, sexism, and all other forms of injustice in the moment-to-moment interactions of every part of our conference experience. To be conscious, to be thoughtful, to be mindful, to be reflective, to make mistakes, to be open to feedback and dialogue from others’ lived experience that differs from our own. This is the essence of feminist practice. The Implementation Collective feel strongly that feminism is an integration of both Doing (engaging in community activism, mentoring, building alliances, influencing policy, teaching, research) and Being (maintaining a feminist consciousness and intentionality around issues of privilege and oppression). This ongoing intersection is how we collectively nourish all of our members in the shared space of our conference that is the lifeblood of our organization."